Apakah Anda siap untuk kasus pertama Anda? Join more than 20 million investigators & solve gruesome crimes in Las Vegas • WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT THE GAME • CSI: Hidden Crimes features a fantastic interface & characters which you'll instantly recognize from the show -- Product-Reviews.net Winner of the Tabby Award 2015 for Best Android Cards, Casino, Puzzle & Trivia game 5/5 “Best hidden objects game I've played” • FREE TO PLAY HIDDEN OBJECT GAME • Investigate stunning crime scenes to find evidence, analyze clues & interrogate your suspects! Exercise your brain to find more objects faster & feel sharper with every new case. Logic & observation will be your key talents! • TEAM UP & NEVER MISS AN INVESTIGATION • Enjoy new episodes regularly available on tablets, smartphones & Facebook. Get help from friends! But will you let them beat your score?
Game ini diunggah oleh pengguna, dan LeLeJoy hanya menyediakan layanan penyimpanan. Jika ada masalah hak cipta, silakan hubungi developer@lelejoy.com, dan kamiakan segera menanganinya.
Game ini diunggah oleh pengguna, dan LeLeJoy hanya menyediakan layanan penyimpanan. Jika ada masalah hak cipta, silakan hubungi developer@lelejoy.com, dan kamiakan segera menanganinya.
Collect clues, analyze evidence, and question suspects to uncover the truth in each case.
2.Can I replay cases in CSI: Hidden Crimes?
Yes, you can replay cases to find more clues or improve your score.
3.What are the objectives in each crime scene?
The objectives vary but generally involve identifying the perpetrator, motive, and means of the crime.
4.How do I use my inventory items effectively?
Match items with their corresponding needs in puzzles or interact with them at crime scenes to progress.
CSI: Hidden Crimes FAQ
1.How do I solve a crime scene in the game?
Collect clues, analyze evidence, and question suspects to uncover the truth in each case.
2.Can I replay cases in CSI: Hidden Crimes?
Yes, you can replay cases to find more clues or improve your score.
3.What are the objectives in each crime scene?
The objectives vary but generally involve identifying the perpetrator, motive, and means of the crime.
4.How do I use my inventory items effectively?
Match items with their corresponding needs in puzzles or interact with them at crime scenes to progress.
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CSI: Hidden Crimes Mod APK v2.60.4 [Coins tak terbatas] [Energi tak terbatas]