
Pirate Raid - Batalla Naval Mod APK v1.31.0 [No hay publicidad]

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Hun 14, 2024
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Detalles del módulo
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Acerca del Pirate Raid - Batalla Naval

⚓️¡Saludos, camaradas! ¿Estáis listos para izar la vela mayor, cerrar las escotillas y recorrer el Caribe en busca de tesoros, gloria y horas de diversión al estilo 🏴‍☠️ pirata? Coged el ron, sacad el sable ⚔️ y todos a bordo para este vertiginoso simulador de piratas que os hará flotar como un barco. Navegad a toda vela por los mares para enfrentaros a simples mercaderes, librar batallas navales 🛳 y luchar contra temibles monstruos marinos, todo mientras llenáis vuestros cofres con tesoros para gastar en la mejora de vuestro escondrijo en una isla tropical y de vuestro barco pirata. ¡Todo esto para avanzar en el camino del vil bucanero a lo largo del juego!🤯


🏴‍☠️ ¡El trabajo de un pirata no se acaba nunca! La acción no escasea en las bravas aguas de este divertido juego de lucha y los barcos cargados de tesoros pueden avistarse en el horizonte en cualquier momento. Enzarzaos en combate con ellos, intercambiad improperios, enviadlos al cofre de Davy Jones y haceos con su botín 💰. Pero tened cuidado con el nivel del enemigo y con el número de buques de guerra a los que os enfrentáis de cada vez, o los que podríais acabar en una tumba submarina sois vosotros.

🏴‍☠️ ¡La botella de ron! Volved a puerto para intercambiar vuestro botín por monedas en el mercado local de piratas. Luego celebrad vuestra victoria y alimentad vuestra temible reputación al mejorar cinco parámetros de vuestro barco pirata, o mejorad vuestro faro para abrir nuevas zonas de los mares para expandir vuestro reino del terror 💀.

🏴‍☠️ ¡Reales de a ocho! ¿Qué puede gustarle a un pirata más que el sabor del ron, el aroma del mar y un viento a favor? ¡Pues un tesoro hundido 💎! Explorad el mar Caribe en busca de barcos hundidos y haceos con más tesoros para avanzar en el juego 🚢 🛥.

🏴‍☠️ ¡El kraken 🦑 despierta! Ya sea por el buen clima, o por el goteo constante de marineros ahogados, el rincón del océano en el que tiene lugar este juego está infestado de monstruos marinos de proporciones épicas que amenazan todos los barcos. Podéis probar vuestros cañones 💣 con ellos y librar al océano de esta maldición, ¡y llevaros un buen pellizco por ello!

🏴‍☠️ ¡Siempre hay esperanza! Puede que seáis el más vil de los piratas y vuestra sed de oro sea insaciable, pero este juego de buques de guerra os permite mostrar vuestro buen corazón en otra parte: misiones secundarias en las que rescataréis a damiselas en apuros y otras desafortunadas víctimas de las vicisitudes de la vida. Pero, no temáis, ¡las recompensas por vuestras buenas acciones no son nada desdeñables!


¿Os atrae la vida de libertad, libertinaje y aventuras de los piratas? ¿Queréis forjaros una reputación de temibles saqueadores que dejaría a Barbanegra a la altura del betún? ¡Izad la calavera y las tibias , levad las anclas de vuestro barco y descargad Pirate Raid, un simulador de piratería casual vertiginoso, divertido y rebosante de aventura naval y pillaje!

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Este juego ha sido subido por usuarios, y LeLeJoy solo ofrece servicios de almacenamiento. Si hay problemas de derechos de autor, por favor contacta a developer@lelejoy.com y lo resolveremos lo antes posible.
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SayGames Ltd
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Este juego ha sido subido por usuarios, y LeLeJoy solo ofrece servicios de almacenamiento. Si hay problemas de derechos de autor, por favor contacta a developer@lelejoy.com y lo resolveremos lo antes posible.
Todas las versiones
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Todas las versiones
Pirate Raid - Batalla Naval FAQ
1.How to collect treasures in Pirate Raid - Caribbean Battle?
Collect treasures by raiding ships and completing quests in the game.
2.What is the purpose of upgrading my ship in Pirate Raid - Caribbean Battle?
Upgrading your ship increases its speed, durability, and capacity, making it more effective for raids and battles.
3.Can I trade with other players in Pirate Raid - Caribbean Battle?
Yes, you can trade items, gold, and resources with other players through the trading system.
4.How do I level up my character in Pirate Raid - Caribbean Battle?
Level up by completing missions, defeating enemies, and using experience points gained during gameplay.
Pirate Raid - Batalla Naval FAQ
1.How to collect treasures in Pirate Raid - Caribbean Battle?
Collect treasures by raiding ships and completing quests in the game.
2.What is the purpose of upgrading my ship in Pirate Raid - Caribbean Battle?
Upgrading your ship increases its speed, durability, and capacity, making it more effective for raids and battles.
3.Can I trade with other players in Pirate Raid - Caribbean Battle?
Yes, you can trade items, gold, and resources with other players through the trading system.
4.How do I level up my character in Pirate Raid - Caribbean Battle?
Level up by completing missions, defeating enemies, and using experience points gained during gameplay.
Calificar este juego
Xenia Surname
Mar 26, 2024
6 bucks for an add free version. Never payed. Played for 1 hour, but half of this time had to watch adds. Cool gameplay, but once I changed land (!) had to start from 1lvl boat. Firgued this is one of those games with little mechanics and LOTs of ADDS. Disappointed, liked to smash the ships. If you guys made this a battle royale with a normal monetary system it would be so much of a better idea. One star.
Xenia Surname
Mar 26, 2024
6 bucks for an add free version. Never payed. Played for 1 hour, but half of this time had to watch adds. Cool gameplay, but once I changed land (!) had to start from 1lvl boat. Firgued this is one of those games with little mechanics and LOTs of ADDS. Disappointed, liked to smash the ships. If you guys made this a battle royale with a normal monetary system it would be so much of a better idea. One star.
Christopher Gamble
Mar 26, 2024
The game keeps crashing over and over and over again! And now I bought a 40+40 pack of parrots," which helps you skip ads for supplies," I got to use 5 of them, then. The game crashed went back into it and they were all gone. Very, very disappointing. I was really enjoying this game but not really pisses me off. Not to mention it does crash all the time! I've sent an email to customer support with no reply!:rage::rage:
Christopher Gamble
Mar 26, 2024
The game keeps crashing over and over and over again! And now I bought a 40+40 pack of parrots," which helps you skip ads for supplies," I got to use 5 of them, then. The game crashed went back into it and they were all gone. Very, very disappointing. I was really enjoying this game but not really pisses me off. Not to mention it does crash all the time! I've sent an email to customer support with no reply!:rage::rage:
Ethan Dobbins
Mar 26, 2024
Once you get to around level 3-4 it starts popping up tons of ads even in the middle of combat so that you get killed and have to watch ads to revive. Starts lagging even cutting out sound completely then will randomly shut off the game entirely or freeze your phone. When you try to do a "raid" it just turns the game off 100% of the time immediately. Progression and rewards start slowing down at this time too but it doesn't matter as at that point it's already unplayable trash.
Ethan Dobbins
Mar 26, 2024
Once you get to around level 3-4 it starts popping up tons of ads even in the middle of combat so that you get killed and have to watch ads to revive. Starts lagging even cutting out sound completely then will randomly shut off the game entirely or freeze your phone. When you try to do a "raid" it just turns the game off 100% of the time immediately. Progression and rewards start slowing down at this time too but it doesn't matter as at that point it's already unplayable trash.
Wee chuan Sim
Mar 26, 2024
玩到后面,强制退游的意思? 要我按修复船,但是又没有修复键?然后什么也不能按,什么都不能做,硬硬要我按修复船,又不给按修复键,完美
Wee chuan Sim
Mar 26, 2024
玩到后面,强制退游的意思? 要我按修复船,但是又没有修复键?然后什么也不能按,什么都不能做,硬硬要我按修复船,又不给按修复键,完美
Mar 26, 2024
Mar 26, 2024
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